Monday, June 25, 2007

San Gimignano


Lori Witzel said...

Dude -- where do I begin? (Uhm, hold on, I need to open a new window so I can see the pics while I'm effusing...)


Okay, that's better.

Wow, I like, I like!
My faves of the nanosecond?

The guy playing roadside piano.
The millefiori-David-effect photo.
Masques!!! Even better than New Orleans!
Cupid ceiling paintings on a carousel.
Mimosa trees that look like they're supposed to, instead of our scrawny scrappy Texas versions.
The lady guard in profile.

I envy your travels, looks like you saw lovely wonders.

Lori Witzel said...

Ah, sorry to say, but I tagged you for a meme.

Ignore it freely, or Bronx-cheer me as you post...